Tarot Of The Divine Deck Review (Cards & Meanings Revealed)
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Tarot Of The Divine Deck Review (Cards & Meanings Revealed)
Recently, I visited Kinokuniya bookstore in Kuala Lumpur and came across a gorgeous tarot deck – Tarot of The Divine by Yoshi Yoshitani.
I immediately felt drawn to it! Following my intuition, I purchased it and worked with this deck over a few months.
Now that I’ve had some time to connect with it, I’m writing this review on the Tarot of The Divine deck.
Personally, I really loved using this deck! More details about the deck below.
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Tarot Of The Divine Deck (Product Details)
Deck: Tarot of the Divine
Artist/illustrator: Yoshi Yoshitani
Publisher: Clarkson Potter (Penguin Random House)
Published: 2020
Tarot Of The Divine Review

Tarot of Divine deck by Yoshi Yoshitani is a deck consisting 78 tarot cards that follow the Rider-Waite tarot system.
This deck comes in a box along with its guidebook. When I first laid eyes on it, I was instantly captured by the art style.
I researched a little and found Yoshi’s instagram which showcased more of the deck and her other art works.
Besides the magical art, every single card in this deck is inspired by deities, folklore and legends around the world which makes this deck inclusive.
Some of my favourite folklores/mythologies/legends around the world featured in this deck:
- Beauty and The Beast
- Sun God Ra
- Sita
- Hang Tuah
- Little Mermaid
I will showcase most of the cards further along this article.

In this article, we will dive into some card meanings, the suits, the guidebook and the companion book which is sold separately.
Tarot Of The Divine Card Meanings
This deck consists of 78 cards (major and minor arcana).
The minor arcana suits are:
- Cups
- Coins (“Pentacles” in Raider-Waite tarot system)
- Swords
- Wands
This deck follows the RWS so even if you do not recognise every single mythology/folklore the card is inspired by, you will most likely understand the meaning of each card if you are familiar with the original RWS.
Major Arcana

I wanted to showcase a couple of my favourite Major arcana cards.
With these cards, you can clearly see that this deck will work for two types of readers:
- If you’re a beginner at tarot or do not know tarot meanings but are well-versed with these folklores, you’ll understand the meaning of the cards based on the tales which coincides with the traditional tarot meaning.
- If you’re an intermediate or pro tarot reader who knows all the card meanings but do not know any of these tales, this deck is still going to work for you.
For example, with the High Priestess card you know that she’s wise, spiritual, intuitive and calm.
If you don’t know the folktale, you can see it in the imagery of the card (she is reading, the moon symbolises intuitivity and the colours blue are calming)
Same goes with the Little Mermaid, wanting to adventure into a whole new world. Naive, hopeful, impulsive, new beginnings are all traditional meanings of the card but they also describe the Little Mermaid.

I love this suit! It really does have a lot of symbolism (water, moon, fluidity) and colours (a lot of blue!) that tell you about the cup suit (emotions and spirituality).

As you can see, the seven of cups look very similar to the RWS seven of cups. The only difference is that this card is inspired by Aladdin (Persia) Arabic folk tale.
In this card, Aladdin is presented with many magic lamps and has to pick one (similar to traditional tarot)
Even if you don’t know tarot or you’re a beginner (like me), you’ll instantly know the meaning of the card if you know this tale!

Coins (Pentacles)

The suit of coins has a lot of greenery (which symbolises being grounded, fertile, abundant).

Traditionally, the eight of coins means hard work, commitment, ambition. In this tale (Six Swans from Germany), you can see that she is working hard.
If you don’t know what the tale is about, it is still obvious that she is working hard at her craft.
If you do know what the tale is about, she is working hard (literally putting all her blood, sweat and tears) to save her brothers who were turned into swans.
The guidebook gives you a gist of the folklore, so even if you don’t know the story, you can either read the guidebook or use the traditional tarot meaning.

Swords and sharp edges here symbolise the mind and intellect. The colour blue also symbolises air.

One of my favourite cards – Sita from Ramayana (India). Two of swords in traditional tarot means to make a decision at a crossroad.
In this epic, Sita has to face her fears and decide between Sycylla and Charybdis. She has to be brave, look inwards and make a choice.

In this suit, it is obvious that there is a lot read plus fire/flame illustrations which symbolises passion, creativity and the heart.

I love this card because the wand here is the paintbrush (a tale from China) and this brush symbolises art, creativity.
The fire behind it also symbolises passion.
The flowers that are blooming speaks for itself.
The circle in the middle can also symbolise the moon, to connect with your intuition and create something new, something whole.
As you can see, these cards somehow fit the tradition meaning, explain the folklore and you can also look at the art and interpret it in your own way.
Tarot of the divine allows you read the deck in so many ways!
Tarot Of The Divine Guidebook

Although the guidebook is pretty thin, information about the folklore, country and tarot card meaning is neatly packed by suits.
In my opinion, the guidebook is sufficient for you to understand what the folklore is about.
Even if you don’t care about the folklore, the guidebook does give upright and reversed meanings of each card which is extremely helpful.

Here’s an example of the major arcana cards in this guidebook.

Here’s an example of the cups suit.
Tarot Of The Divine Companion Book
The companion book is titled Beneath the Moon, also written by Yoshi Yoshitani.
The 78 tales and artwork in this book correlates with the 78 cards in the Tarot of The Divine deck.
You do not need this book to go-along with the deck.
However, it would be a nice edition if you love the artwork and are interested in folklore/mythology around the world.
Is The Tarot of The Divine Beginner Friendly?
It is definitely beginner friendly. Even if you don’t know the meaning of each tarot card, the art speaks for itself. It is a bonus if you know the folklore associated with each card.
Tarot Of The Divine Deck Review (Cards & Meanings Revealed)
I hope you liked this review of Tart of The Divine Deck! I tried my best to show all the cards in this deck so you can decide for yourself if this is something you’re interested in.