250+ Bookstagram Hashtags And How To Use Them (2023)
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250+ Bookstagram Hashtags And How To Use Them (2023)
Bookstagram hashtags are undoubtedly important for one’s bookstagram’s growth. Yet, many people do not know how to use them.
Some bookstagrammers do not use any bookstagram hashtags as it does not look “aesthetic” when they’re mentioned in their posts.
If you are finding it difficult to search for the best bookstagram hashtags to use in your posts, this guide will help you find them along with the best tips and tricks.
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Why Do You Need To Use Bookstagram Hashtags?

Bookstagram hashtags have always been important and have become even more relevant in 2022.
1. To Grow Your Account
If you’re wondering – how can I increase my bookstagram followers?
Then know that bookstagram hashtags are one of the best strategies to grow your account.
Since I am not someone who has a tiktok or a booktube to reach out to more readers, I can vouch for this.
Bookstagram hashtags is my number 1 way of growing a bookstagram account. This is because hashtags allow like-minded people to find you.
My suggestion would be to put 30 hashtags in either the caption or comment section.
There’s no difference whether you put it in the caption or comment section when it comes to engagement. Read more about this in the following section!
2. To Gain Post Ideas
Bookstagram hashtags aren’t just for account visibility and an increase in followers, you can also use it to explore post ideas.
For example, I follow the #smallbookstagrammer hashtag to find more bookstagrammers that are not so popular like myself but have great content.
I also follow #booksandcoffee to get some inspiration for my next bookstagram posts.
So do follow or save relevant hashtags, they might come in handy!
3. To Stay Up To Date With An Author/Fandom
I follow some hashtags of authors that I’ve read as I grew up so that I don’t miss any of their latest books. For example – #sophiekinsella and #juliaquinn.
I also follow #bridgertonnetflix to stay up to date with any Bridgerton related news because I am a huge fangirl.
Bookstagram Hashtag Tips And Tricks

These are tips I’ve gathered over my past two years being part of the bookstagram community.
1. Use 30 Hashtags.
Don’t waste the opportunity for higher reach!
How many hashtags to use on an instagram post?
There’s a limit of 30 hashtags so make sure you put in 30! A lot of bookstagrammers don’t even use hashtags, that’s closing off doors to being more visible.
Finding it difficult to come up with 30 hashtags? There’s a curated list of bookstagram hashtags in the next section.
2. Use A Mix Of Different Hashtag Sizes.
To increase your reach, use a mix of different hashtag sizes.
Large, medium and smaller hashtags will give you the opportunity to be seen among different types of bookstagrammers from all over the world.
Here are examples of a large, medium and small sized bookstagram hashtags.

3. Hashtag The Author’s Name.
A lot of bookstagrammers will tag the author of the book in their review but they forget to hashtag the author.
That’s a huge potential to be visible among readers who like the author’s books.
4. Hashtag Book Title And Publisher
I’m sure hashtagging the book title is a common practice among many bookstagrammers.
If the title of the book is too long, do consider searching for a hashtag that are shorter (eg: How The King Of Elfhame Learned To Hate Stories – #htkoelths)
However, a lot of us bookstagrammers forget to hashtag the publishing company. This is also a missed opportunity for exposure.
5. Use Localised Hashtags
Don’t forget to add hashtags from your country, state or community. That’s how you make friends, do buddy reads and more!
I’m a bookstagrammer and book blogger from Malaysia, so I would hashtag the following – #bookstagrammermalaysia #malaysiamembaca #malaysianbookstagrammer
6. Make Sure Your Hashtags Are Existing
One common mistake we bookstagrammer do without realizing is hashtagging hashtags don’t even exist.
This means no one has hashtagged their post with the hashtag before and no one is going to be searching for that hashtag.
Therefore, the hashtag is completely pointless!

For example, as a fan I might hashtag #bridgertonship because I ship certain characters with certain characters. In reality, that hashtag does not even exist so there’s no point hashtagging it.
5 Batches Of Bookstagram Hashtags To Copy And Paste

The most annoying part is typing out 30 hashtags for every single bookstagram post. I feel you, I too struggle to think of 30 bookstagram hashtags on the spot.
I’ve curated 5 batches of the best bookstagram hashtags to help you (and me) so that we don’t have to crack our heads right before posting.
Batch 1
#bookstagram #bookishthings #booklover #bibliophile #booknerd #booksofinstagram #readersofinstagram #readersofig #bookedforthenight #readingnow #readeralert #readerholic #bookobsessed #bookphotos #bookcollection #bookshelfie #goodreads #bookstagrammer #bookishlove #booknerd #booknerdalert #booklover #imreading #bookstagramgirl #bookstagramboy #bookishfeatures #booklishlife #bookishphotography #bookishmerch #bookloversworld
Batch 2
#readingtime #readingisfundamental #bookstagrammeralert #bookishlove #booksbooksbooks #readinglist #readingnook #readingchallenge #booklover #bookreview #bookrecommendations #bookpiles #booknerd #bookproblems #booksloth #ireadbooks #ireadeverywhere #ireadalot #bookishlife #readeraesthetic #readersareleaders #readerandwriter #readandreview #readingaddict #readingisfun #readingcommunity #readingcorner #bookstagrammersdaily #bookstagrammerspotlight
Batch 3
#bookgram #bookgeek #bookgoals #bookishgoals #bookgirlmagic #booked #bookjunkie #bookjournal #bookjoy #bookjourney #bookinstagrammer #bookinspiration #bookishcandles #booksandpets #booksandcoffee #booksinspo #readingislife #readingissexy #readingiscool #bookblogger #bookblogging #newpost #newbooks #newbookstagram #newbookalert #bookshelf #bookshelfie #bookshelvesofig #bookshelvesofinstagram #bookboss
Batch 4
#addictedtobooks #addictedtobooksandcoffee #instabooks #addictedtobookmerch #bookstagrampost #bookporn #bookstagramphoto #bookpic #bookpile #bookphotographer #bookpublisher #bookstack #bookstalove #igreads #avidreader #greatreads #readingislife #beautifulbooks #bookworms #bookshelves #booktube #booktuber #bookalicious #bookaddiction #bookaddicts #bookaddicted #booksandcoffee #coffeeandbooks #bookhoarder #bookhaul
Batch 5
#bookrecommendation #bookaesthetic #aestheticbooks #aestheticreader #librarybooks #bookstores #readingiscool #booksaremagic #booksareeverything #currentlyreading #igreads #instaread #bookworm #tbrpile #tbr #bookstoread #pileofbooks #bookstack #booknerdigans #bookobsessed #bookishfeatures #booknerdalert #readingalways #ratherbereading #readreadread #keepreading #justkeepreading #bookheros #bookloveforever #booklover
Bookstagram Hashtags By Categories

Here are some of the best bookstagram hashtags for different types of categories.
Thriller Bookstagram Hashtags
Romance Bookstagram Hashtags
Fantasy Bookstagram Hashtags
Currently Reading Hashtags
TBR Hashtags
Audiobook Bookstagram Hashtags
Book Blogging Hashtags
Coffee Bookstagram Hashtags
Tea Bookstagram Hashtags
Book Club Bookstagram Hashtags
Bookshelf Bookstagram Hashtags
Black Bookstagram Hashtags
Flatlay Bookstagram Hashtags
Literature Bookstagram Hashtags
Library Bookstagram Hashtags
Reading Bookstagram Hashtags
Bookstagram Hashtags For Days Of The Week

Bookstagram Hashtag Generators
If you still feel like you don’t have enough hashtags or the hashtags that you were looking for was not included in this post, you can always try out a bookstagram hashtag generator.
This is not something I would personally do but I do not want to limit your options.
Some bookstagram hashtag generators:
Creating Your Own Bookstagram Hashtag
Is creating your own bookstagram hashtag necessary?
It is not necessary in my opinion, but it is nice to have a personalised hashtag for your audience especially if you are planning to post very frequently.
When you post different types of content frequently, I would suggest for you to hashtag your reviews with a personalised hashtag so that your followers can easily access all your reviews by searching for the hashtag.
A good example would be @sarcasticbrunettes.library ‘s bookstagram posts. She has her own hashtags to keep tabs on her reviews.
I hope these bookstagram hashtags help you in not just growing your bookstagram account but also help you save time and energy thinking of hashtags for every single post. Bookmark this article so you always have hashtags ready-to-go!