40+ FREE Bookstagram Templates That Are Aesthetic (2024)

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Looking for bookish story templates? Here’s 40 bookstagram templates that I’ve thoughtfully designed just for you! They’re easy to save/download and upload to your story right away!

Bookstagram story templates are great for engagement (especially if you’re just starting to grow your bookstagram). This is because you tag other bookstagram friends and they’ll repost your tag – giving you visibility to their audience.

Save these photos and tag me in them if you use them. When you do post them on your story, post a clean template right after it for others to screenshot and use it too!

I’ve included original photos shot and edited by myself in these templates as a personalized touch. I hope you like them!

Top 3 Books Of The Year Story Template

This is a yearly reading wrap up template that highlights your top 3 books.

Bookstagram Templates

Yearly Reading Wrap Up Template

Share your yearly reading wrap up on bookstagram by showcasing your top reads for the year.

yearly reading wrap up template

Bookish Bingo Story Template

Check of this yearly reading wrap-up bookish bingo! A great way to reflect on your year in books.

bookish bingo story template

Book Review Bookstagram Story Template

I created two different book review Instagram story templates. This minimalistic book review story template will help you come up with a quick and easy review.

You can also compile your instagram book review templates on your highlights for easy access!

Bookstagram Templates
bookstagram story template
bookstagram story templates

Books That Made Me (Blank) Story Template

We all have books that have made us feel a certain way, or had open us up to a whole different genre.

If you liked this one, let me know – I can make more! There are just too many ideas and so little space in one template.

Bookstagram Templates

Bookstagram Monthly Wrap Up Template

Bookstagram monthly wrap up templates has to be everyone’s favourite instagram story template! It is so satisfying to see the boxes being completed as you progress on your reading!

However, it can be very discouraging when you only see a couple of boxes filled out of the 9 boxes. That is why I created two options – 6 books or 9 books depending on your reading progress.

Go at your own pace, read how many books you want and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise!

Bookstagram Story Monthly Wrap Up (6 Books)

If you don’t read a lot of books per month, you can use this 6 book template.

January Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Templates

February Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Templates

March Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Templates

April Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Templates

May Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Templates

June Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

July Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

August Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

September Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

October Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

November Monthly Wrap-Up Template

bookstagram story template

December Monthly Wrap-Up Template

Bookstagram Monthly Wrap Up: 9 Books

If you tend to read a lot of books, you can use this 9 book template.

Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates
Bookstagram Templates

Monthly Favourite Book Template

Add one favourite book you’ve read each month to this template.

When the year ends, you’ll have a nice reading tracker to reflect on your favourite reads of the year!

Bookstagram Templates (21)
bookstagram story template

Currently Reading Bookstagram Template

Here’s a bookish template for the books you’re currently reading. Share your reading progress and thoughts on your story.

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bookstagram story template
bookstagram story template
bookstagram templates

This or That Bookstagram Template

Are you a fan of the This or That template? Many bookstagrammers seem to love it. Tag your friends and join in on the fun!

bookstagram templates

TBR Bookstagram Template

If you like posting your TBRs for the month or specifically for kindle/kindle unlimited – these templates will help!

bookstagram templates
bookstagram templates
bookstagram templates
bookstagram templates
bookstagram story template

Fill in the blank line with the month you’re on.

bookstagram story template
bookstagram story template

How To Make Bookstagram Templates

Making bookstagram templates aren’t all that difficult, but they can be time-consuming.

Which is why i’ve saved you the trouble by creating some for you! But if they aren’t to your liking (or don’t match your aesthetic), you can always create your own!

Step 1: Sign up for Canva

You can use the free Canva version to create story templates, but the elements and photos will be limited to free ones only. Search for the instagram story template to start of with. There are many options to choose from!

Step 2: Generate a colour palette

Choose a colour palette that fits your aesthetic by visiting a colour palette generator.

Step 3: Use elements in Canva

Use elements and select a rectangle to create monthly reading templates. Once you have created one, just duplicate the page and switch out the names of the month.

How To Use Bookstagram Templates

Step 1: Download or save the bookstagram templates from this blog post

Step 2: Open these templates up in insta-story

Step 3: Edit the template with words or stickers (you can select book covers as stickers to put on your monthly reading wrap-ups.

Step 4: Post it and save it in a highlight on your profile.

Step 5: Leave a blank template on your story for others to use!

Wrap Up: Bookstagram Story Templates

I hope you find joy using these free bookstagram templates. Don’t forget to tag your friends for engagement and feel free to tag me too!

All bookstagram story templates will be on my profile. You can have easy access to them – just screenshot and they’re ready to be used!

Which one’s are your favourites? Let me know!

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