22 It Ends With Us Book Club Questions & Quotes
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22 It Ends With Us Book Club Questions
The book that took booktok by storm, It Ends With Us by Colleen Hoover is arguably the most popular contemporary romance with millions of copies sold at bookstores internationally.
Why Is It Ends With Us So Popular?
Although published six years ago, this book has gain popularity because of it’s unfiltered story telling on domestic abuse and how it is difficult to leave toxic relationships which can be commonly experienced by many people around the globe.
Therefore, this book is a favourable choice for a book club as there’s a lot to discuss.
More On Colleen Hoover Books:
- 35 Best Quotes From It Ends With Us From Colleen Hoover
- 22 Books Like It Ends With Us By Colleen Hoover
- 20 Verity Book Club Questions For Colleen Hoover Fans
- 25 Best Verity Quotes by Colleen Hoover
- 15 Reminders of Him Book Club Questions & Guide
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It Ends With Us Summary

It Ends With Us follows the story of a young woman, Lilly Bloom, and her journey in Boston from becoming a florist, to her first love, Atlas, crossing paths again.
She also juggles her sensitive relationship with a neurosurgeon, Ryle. Despite Ryle’s dislike towards relationships, he has falls in love with Lily.
This one of a kind romance is also a heartbreaking novel that tackles important issues.
There’s themes of domestic abuse in this novel, be sure to keep that in mind before picking this book up.
The author’s note at the end of the book explains the author’s relationship to the difficult subject matter. After reading, you’ll understand better and have more sympathy towards the author as this book contains some truth and real life events.
20 It Ends With Us Book Club Discussion Questions
- Did you notice any red flags in Ryle before he officially got into a relationship with Lily? If yes what were they?
- Do you think Lily’s letters to Ellen DeGeneres were a good way of unraveling her backstory or it could’ve been done in a better way?
- When Atlas returned to meet Lily and saw her with another guy, he didn’t approach her, thinking she was in a relationship. How do you think the story would’ve changed if he had?
- We’ve seen Allysa have great relations with the people around her.In your opinion, was Allysa a better sister to Ryle or a better friend to Lily?
- Soon after meeting Lily, Ryle says “There is no such thing as bad people we’re all just people who sometimes do bad things”. Do you agree with this quote?
- As we know from Ryle’s backstory, his childhood was very traumatic. In anyway do you think his abusive actions were a result of that?
- After ‘accidentally’ pushing Lily down the stairs, Ryle was extremely sorry and tried to make it up to her. Was he really sorry or was he just worried about Lily telling people about it?
- Ryle has rage issues. As a partner, would you stay with someone who has anger issues if they promise to work on it?
- Since Colleen Hoover has told people some abuse scenes were true events her mother went through. As a reader, how did it make you feel? Did this make it harder to rate and critisise the book?
- By the end of this book many readers felt bad for Ryle despite his actions. Do you think he deserves a redemption in the sequel “It starts with us”?
- In what ways do you think meeting Atlas years later in Boston impacted Lily?
- Since domestic abuse was the main theme, do you think it was properly portrayed in this novel and did justice to what DA survivors go through?
- Do you think the ending would’ve been different if Lily had gotten rid of her Boston magnet before Ryle found it?
- Why do you think Ryle lied to Allysa after she asked about Lily’s black eye?
- Do you think Allysa would’ve advisded Lily to leave Ryle sooner if she had known about the first abusive event?
- What scene from the book do you think could’ve been written in a better way?
- The book has many time jumps, especially after Lily and Ryle get married. Do you think it would’ve helped readers understand Lily’s pain even more if a few normal domestic scenes were included too?
- After finding out about Lily’s pregnancy, Ryle’s behavior drastically changes, why is that so? Did he finally realise he had to work on himself?
- As soon as Lily’s daughter Emerson is born she tells Ryle she wants a divorce. If you were in Lily’s shoes, would you have handled the situation differently?
- “You can stop swimming now, Lily. We finally reached the shore.” These are simple words and yet they had a great impact on many readers. Why were readers so deeply moved by this quote?
- If you were Lily, what would you do with your relationship with Ryle?
- Did this book teach you anything new about DA survivors?
Read More: It Starts With Us Book Club Questions & Guide
5 Best Quotes From It Ends With Us
“Don’t tempt the scorpion if you don’t want to
get stung.”
Colleen Hoover
“Sometimes you can’t control where your mind goes. You just have to train it not to go there anymore.”
Colleen Hoover
“Lily. Life is a funny thing. We only get so many years to live it, so we have to do everything we can to make sure those years are as full as they can be. We shouldn’t waste time on things that might happen someday, or maybe even never.”
Colleen Hoover
“Everyone deserves another chance. Especially the people who mean the most to you.”
Colleen Hoover
“Love him. I still do and I always will. He was a huge wave that left a lot of imprints on my life, and I’ll feel the weight of that love until I die. I’ve accepted that.”
Colleen Hoover
More Quotes: 35 Best Quotes From It Ends With Us From Colleen Hoover
3 Top Books Like It Ends With Us
It Starts With Us by Colleen Hoover

This book makes a great book-club follow-up read because it is a retelling of the first story, but this time, through Atlas’ eyes.
If you couldn’t get enough of Lily and Atlas’ relationship in the first book, It Starts With Us will definitely provide a deeper dimension to their story by providing another perspective that we haven’t seen before.
This book releases in October 2022. Fans are very excited about it!
2. Love and Other Words by Christina Lauren
Love and Other Words follows the story of two high school sweethearts whose love blossoms over their love of books but over time their lives diverge and they grow apart.
This book is similar to It Ends With Us because of it’s childhood sweetheart/young love romance trope, just like Lily and Atlas’ relationship.
3. Seven Days In June by Tia Williams
The book spans just seven days where Shane and Eva will reconnect to find out whether their long-lost spark can be re-ignited again, or whether their romance from the past has well and truly fizzled out with age and time.
For fans of Lily and Atlas’ life-long friendship/romance dynamic, you’ll be sure to love Seven Days in June!
It Ends With Us Discussion Questions (Final Thoughts)
I hope this It Ends With Us book club questions and discussion guide aids you in your next book club session! Did you like reading this book? Comment below!
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